Monday, April 14, 2008

Turning 30 in Peru!

All cumbia all the time. So, I'm journeying on through the usual music scene here in Peru. The Mayor of my town, Don Walter invited my host family and I over to his house in the evening on my birthday. There was chicken, rice, cumbia, and Crystal beer and chicha (fermented corn beer type stuff) for the crowd of people that magically appeared. People in Rinconada are so generous all the time and it really continues to astound me. I know us ex-pats always say stuff like that, but it's ridiculously true. I went to 3 birthday parties for myself, all thrown by friends who just decided that it needed to happen. It was so kind. I hope that I can follow their example.

I'm not sure that I'm getting much work done lately. My Solid Waste Management project has stalled because the local government (i.e. the mayor who threw the party) doesn't really want to spend the money on the project, even though legally they're supposed to. I'm working in the elementary schools and love my kids, and I had all kinds of big plans for what I was going to get done here, but I think if I just have as much fun with people as I've been having I'll be happy with my time here in Peru. I'm talking myself into that anyway. I still wrestle with an overachiever streak left over from Catholic school conditioning.

I'm also still furious that they painted over the world map mural that my kids painted at the high school. I bawled like a baby when I saw it. So, I've decided to get funding from the mayor to paint 2 more, one at each elementary school, hopefully in time for the anniversary celebrations at each school.

I'm also thinking of taking up a collection for all of those I know to put in some decent bathrooms at the Rinconada Elementary School. They're so gross. They have flush toilets that 1. are not connected to a 24 hour water supply and 2. are not properly attached to the floor so when there is water to flush them "it" goes all over the floor. I wish I were exaggerating. AND I just found out about 3 cases of cholera in Llicuar so we have to be super careful of the water now. It's so contagious. So, I'm trying to make the improvement project happen. I've asked the principal for a budget breakdown with the materials and work costs. I'll keep you posted and hope for your support when the time comes.


Alyssa said...

Um, FOUR birthday parties thrown for you. Way to disrespect the dirt cups...

Tejana in DC said...

Sorry. I was overwhelmed by all the love. I'm not used to being cool. Cariño! Are you still getting rained on every day?