Tuesday, April 01, 2008

More on the Peruvian Amazon

Guides Ricardo and Carlos and their dugout canoes took us on a three day canoe trip though Pacaya Samiria, the 2nd largest National Reserve Park in Peru.

Fun times in Pacaya Samiria.

Our guides thout it was hilarous that I wanted to play Tarzan in thigh high water.

Gamaniel caught a pirannah one morning and we ate it for breakfast.

Base camp. It's flooded with more than a meter of water for half of the year and the other half you can play soccer in front of it. We went in wet season. No soccer was played.

These crazy palm trees look like dinosaurs. It's not hard to imagine an earth a meter deep in water and filled with the animals that I've only seen at the American Museum of Natural History when you're paddlng around there.

Peace Corps Peru Team Chaco makes it out of Pacaya Samiria in one piece.

The Giant Anteater who lives at the Butterfly Farm in Iquitos likes oatmeal.

Sunset on Rio Marañon in between Lagunas and Iquitos is one of the most beautiful things that I've seen in my life... and the Texas sunsets that I grew up on are pretty damn impressive.


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Pam said...

That IS a beautiful sunset!!! I think you demonstrated sound judgement in playing Tarzan in thigh-deep water. Why further complicate such an undertaking with the additional risk of drowning??

Tejana in DC said...

Thanks Pam! Hay man, I'm a fearless girl. What can I say? Have fun in your new diggs in Austin!!!