Monday, October 09, 2006

Bedbugs and broomsticks

Ahh the wonders of renting a furnished room: bedbugs and dogs. I am either getting a ton of mosquito bites or I have bedbugs. I have not yet seen the bedbugs, but the mattress is inside a giant pillow case type thing so I have to take that off to look for the bugs. I'm a little afraid if I do that I'm not going to want to sleep on the mattress anymore and that would leave the floor- lame. Then when I wake up in the middle of the night scratching like a maniac and I go to get a drink or go to the bathroom who meets me at the door to my room? The super-adorable dog Quia the patio-dog. She always has incredibly muddy feet and loves to jump up on me. Maricucha, the mom of the house, generally shoes him away with the broom. Other dog training techniques in the family include yelling and swatting with a newspaper. Since I'm usually a positive reinforcement kind of girl I was trying to praise the dog for sitting and not jumping, but that just wasn't working. I have been reduced to keeping the broom outside my bedroom door and carrying it like a shield to the bathroom. The dog cowers just at the sight of the broom.

Over the weekend I decided that it was time to do something about the bedbugs so I took the mattress and put it on the tin roof in an attempt to burn the little bastards. I also put a whole lot of bleach water on it and let it dry. I washed all the linens and wrapped my is insecticide infused mosquito net around the mattress and the whole family thought that this process was pretty darn funny. And really I have to agree. So finally, fortunately I spoke with the Bug Master, my father and the proprietor of an exterminating company so named. He said that none of that will work and I should go get some Delta Dust. So now I'm in the market for Delta Dust. I'm not sure how to say that in Spanish, but I am pretty determined to figure it out. I look like I have ants in my pants ALL the time because I'm super itchy!

1 comment:

Mr. Teacher said...

A sure fire way that you know you have bed bugs is if you have little zit-like welts around your mouth. Bed bugs are attracted to the warmth around the mouth and nose and prefer to attach (i.e., blood suck) there. If you don't have welts, you may still have bed bugs, or you may have another fun and lovely Peruvian insect.

Good night, sleep tight
Don't let the bed bugs bite.
