Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eating with People

I liked this article from the NY Times. I was thinking that my life in general feels healthier here and I think that living with people who are intimates, sort of like family, rather than just roommates is a big part of the reason. I mean it's weird to say because I do not exercise as much as I did in the US and I certainly do not eat the variety of fruits and vegetables that I used to because they're just not available but, I still feel healthier. It's also weird because some might characterize my living situation as me living alone. I have several rooms to myself with a separate door to the street- some might call that my own place, but the backyard is one with that of the family that owns my house. I hang out a lot with the family that shares my house/compound area and I eat with another family that treats me like I'm part of the extended clan. Peace Corps Peru policy is that all volunteers live with a family for their entire service, so the family that I'm currently "living with" has their own door to their own structure and is connected to my house by the yard. I do hang out with them almost every day. Usually, we just drink tea and watch TV in the evening and I go to their family events like Sunday family gatherings, the prayer services that are held for the anniversaries of deaths, and birthday parties. I feel like this situation is helping with my nutritional health. I am also taking a daily multi-vitamin, so don't worry :)

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