Wednesday, January 31, 2007

murals, beauty pagents, children - EEK

As I may have mentioned before I have become and elementary school teacher. It was purely an accident and I'm still surprised to find 35 kids looking at me every afternoon. Currently, I'm painting a mural of the world map with about 120 elementary school kids 9-12 years old. Happily, not all at the same time- in groups of about 30. It's crazy and hard. I'm open to all suggestions. The town government said that they would fund the project but didn't actually go and buy the stuff in time for the summer camp to start so I have had 120 kids with nothing to do for the past couple weeks. Fortunately, things are looking up. We got paint and now we have a big white wall to paint. I did have to spend a lot out of pocket which hurt. I was out there all night a couple of days ago scraping the damn thing and yesterday the 5th graders went crazy with primer. Craziness. I'll definitely let you know how this goes. All advice about dealing with kids welcome. This is not my area. Eeek!!

Also in a bizarre turn of events, I'm helping to organize the Miss Rinconada Llicuar contest... Really, there are no words.

How did this happen? What am I doing in Peru again? Words of wisdom friends?

Photos from the afore mentioned yunse:

Also- Photos from my women's group meeting. We started a recreational night on Wednesdays for women. I think it will be fun. So far so good- only minimal political strife. They asked me about yoga and we did some :)

1 comment:

KG said...

You are helping to make the world a better place. That's what you're doing in Peru.

Have fun with the kids, but it always helps to have some spare activities on hand in case it gets a little crazy and they need a break from painting. Like, teach them a song with some gestures (a la Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes) or you can try Simon Says. If it gets too crazy, you can make everyone have a 2 minute time-out, where everyone just sits quietly. You could even try breathing exercises with them (inhale through nose, exhale through mouth, nice and slow) which should have a calming effect.