Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tomorrow: site assignments

Tomorrow the Peace Corps, dedicated to we-will-tell-you-when-you-need-to-know approach to information, will tell us our site assignments. We had some feel-good interviews a couple of weeks ago where we were supposed to talk about the kind of site where we could work best. In the interview where I was theoretically saying where I was interested in living my Program Director told me that she had my site picked out and that I would be working with an NGO, near other volunteers, and in a place with cell phone service. This is a very big hint because many of the volunteers partner with the ministry of health and live in more remote areas. In some ways this is a big relief. After struggling with depressing for a number of years I really don't want to fall back into that hole so the proximity to people whose culture I share and cell phone service are really very exciting. None the less it did make the purpose of the interview somewhat moot.

I did not take this photo, I just got it off the web, but this is baja Piura, the part of the state of Piura nearest to the coast and where I think that my site will be. (I'll keep you posted.) Last week we went to visit for Field Based Training and met a few volunteers. They have sand floors in their houses and get water twice a week. There are also chickens running around everywhere. Many of you know how much I love live chickens- that is to say, not at all. Those are some dirty, dirty animals. I lived with a family in Ecuador who raised chickens over a summer when I was in high school. It ruined me and if I ever find a chicken in my bed again trust me you'll hear about it :) Anyway I'm excited about being near the coast. There's a famous beach near there called Mancora. I'm looking forward to that!

We had a Halloween party the night before last. I have some great pictures. I was a Super Gringa. It involved a cape and mask. I'll post more pictures later, as soon as I can. Lately, my other pastimes include talking about poop in all it's bizarre forms ad nausea, carefully considering the symptoms of Giardia and comparing them to my own poo, and trying to avoid becoming too enmeshed the soap opera that my host family in Sta. Eulalia insists on acting out. Think Sex, Lies and Videotape quality drama. It's intense.

So it's Week 7 and it's harder than the previous ones have been, but I'm hanging in with good humor and good friends. I'm thinking of changing my name to Elena. Any suggestions about Spanish names that are somewhat similar to Ella and not a pronoun?

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